







CAS:Compare and Swap。


unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, valueOffset, expect, update);


打开源码:openjdk\hotspot\src\oscpu\windowsx86\vm\ atomicwindowsx86.inline.hpp,如下图:0


os::is_MP()  这个是runtime/os.hpp,实际就是返回是否多处理器,源码如下:



如上面源代码所示(看第一个int参数即可),LOCK_IF_MP:会根据当前处理器的类型来决定是否为cmpxchg指令添加lock前缀。如果程序是在多处理器上运行,就为cmpxchg指令加上lock前缀(lock cmpxchg)。反之,如果程序是在单处理器上运行,就省略lock前缀(单处理器自身会维护单处理器内的顺序一致性,不需要lock前缀提供的内存屏障效果)。



HotSpot虚拟机中,对象在内存中存储的布局可以分为三块区域:对象头(Header)、实例数据(Instance Data)和对齐填充(Padding)。

HotSpot虚拟机的对象头(Object Header)包括两部分信息:

第一部分"mark Word":用于存储对象自身的运行时数据, 如哈希码(HashCode)、GC分代年龄、锁状态标志、线程持有的锁、偏向线程ID、偏向时间戳等等.

第二部分"Klass Pointer":对象指向它的类的元数据的指针,虚拟机通过这个指针来确定这个对象是哪个类的实例。(数组,对象头中还必须有一块用于记录数组长度的数据,因为虚拟机可以通过普通Java对象的元数据信息确定Java对象的大小,但是从数组的元数据中无法确定数组的大小。 )



                                                              图1 32位的HotSpot虚拟机对象头Mark Word组成



                                             图2 HotSpot源码markOop.hpp中注释


hash: 保存对象的哈希码
age: 保存对象的分代年龄
biased_lock: 偏向锁标识位
lock: 锁状态标识位
JavaThread*: 保存持有偏向锁的线程ID
epoch: 保存偏向时间戳


1 enum { locked_value = 0,//00 轻量级锁 2 unlocked_value = 1,//01 无锁 3 monitor_value = 2,//10 监视器锁,也叫膨胀锁,也叫重量级锁 4 marked_value = 3,//11 GC标记 5 biased_lock_pattern = 5 //101 偏向锁 6 };



                                        图3 HotSpot源码markOop.hpp中锁标志位注释


对象头中的Mark Word,synchronized源码实现就用了Mark Word来标识对象加锁状态。




锁粗化(Lock Coarsening):将多个连续的锁扩展成一个范围更大的锁,用以减少频繁互斥同步导致的性能损耗。 锁消除(Lock Elimination):JVM及时编译器在运行时,通过逃逸分析,如果判断一段代码中,堆上的所有数据不会逃逸出去从来被其他线程访问到,就可以去除这些锁。 轻量级锁(Lightweight Locking):JDK1.6引入。在没有多线程竞争的情况下避免重量级互斥锁,只需要依靠一条CAS原子指令就可以完成锁的获取及释放。 偏向锁(Biased Locking):JDK1.6引入。目的是消除数据再无竞争情况下的同步原语。使用CAS记录获取它的线程。下一次同一个线程进入则偏向该线程,无需任何同步操作。 适应性自旋(Adaptive Spinning):为了避免线程频繁挂起、恢复的状态切换消耗。产生了忙循环(循环时间固定),即自旋。JDK1.6引入了自适应自旋。自旋时间根据之前锁自旋时间和线程状态,动态变化,用以期望能减少阻塞的时间。





第一步,检查MarkWord里面是不是放的自己的ThreadId ,如果是,表示当前线程是处于 “偏向锁”.跳过轻量级锁直接执行同步体。










第五步,自旋的线程在自旋过程中,成功获得资源(即之前获的资源的线程执行完成并释放了共享资源),则整个状态依然处于轻量级锁的状态,如果自旋失败 第六步,进入重量级锁的状态,这个时候,自旋的线程进行阻塞,等待之前线程执行完成并唤醒自己.






3.1 同步和互斥








3.2 synchronized  C++源码

重点来了,之前在第一节中的图1,看过了对象头Mark Word。现在我们从C++源码来剖析具体的数据结构和获取释放锁的过程。

2.2.1 C++中的监视器锁数据结构

oopDesc--继承-->markOopDesc--方法monitor()-->ObjectMonitor-->enter、exit 获取、释放锁



 1 class oopDesc {  2 friend class VMStructs;  3 private:  4 volatile markOop  _mark;//markOop:Mark Word标记字段  5  union _metadata {  6 Klass* _klass;//对象类型元数据的指针  7  narrowKlass _compressed_klass;  8  } _metadata;  9 10 // Fast access to barrier set. Must be initialized. 11 static BarrierSet* _bs; 12 13 public: 14 markOop mark() const { return _mark; } 15 markOop* mark_addr() const { return (markOop*) &_mark; } 16 17 void set_mark(volatile markOop m) { _mark = m; } 18 19 void release_set_mark(markOop m); 20  markOop cas_set_mark(markOop new_mark, markOop old_mark); 21 22 // Used only to re-initialize the mark word (e.g., of promoted 23 // objects during a GC) -- requires a valid klass pointer 24 void init_mark(); 25 26 Klass* klass() const; 27 Klass* klass_or_null() const volatile; 28 Klass** klass_addr(); 29 narrowKlass* compressed_klass_addr();



1 ObjectMonitor* monitor() const { 2 assert(has_monitor(), "check"); 3 // Use xor instead of &~ to provide one extra tag-bit check. 4 return (ObjectMonitor*) (value() ^ monitor_value); 5 }



 1 uintptr_t value() const { return (uintptr_t) this; }


1 enum { locked_value = 0,//00轻量级锁 2 unlocked_value = 1,//01无锁 3 monitor_value = 2,//10监视器锁,又叫重量级锁 4 marked_value = 3,//11GC标记 5 biased_lock_pattern = 5 //101偏向锁 6 };





 1 ObjectMonitor() {  2 _header = NULL;//markOop对象头  3 _count = 0;  4 _waiters = 0,//等待线程数  5 _recursions = 0;//重入次数  6 _object = NULL;//监视器锁寄生的对象。锁不是平白出现的,而是寄托存储于对象中。  7 _owner = NULL;//指向获得ObjectMonitor对象的线程或基础锁  8 _WaitSet = NULL;//处于wait状态的线程,会被加入到wait set;  9 _WaitSetLock = 0 ; 10 _Responsible = NULL ; 11 _succ = NULL ; 12 _cxq = NULL ; 13 FreeNext = NULL ; 14 _EntryList = NULL ;//处于等待锁block状态的线程,会被加入到entry set; 15 _SpinFreq = 0 ; 16 _SpinClock = 0 ; 17 OwnerIsThread = 0 ;// _owner is (Thread *) vs SP/BasicLock 18 _previous_owner_tid = 0;// 监视器前一个拥有者线程的ID 19 }

每个线程都有两个ObjectMonitor对象列表,分别为free和used列表,如果当前free列表为空,线程将向全局global list请求分配ObjectMonitor。

ObjectMonitor对象中有两个队列:_WaitSet 和 _EntryList,用来保存ObjectWaiter对象列表;





 1 IRT_ENTRY_NO_ASYNC(void, InterpreterRuntime::monitorenter(JavaThread* thread, BasicObjectLock* elem))  2 #ifdef ASSERT  3 thread->last_frame().interpreter_frame_verify_monitor(elem);  4 #endif  5 if (PrintBiasedLockingStatistics) {  6  Atomic::inc(BiasedLocking::slow_path_entry_count_addr());  7  }  8 Handle h_obj(thread, elem->obj());  9 assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved_or_null(h_obj()), 10 "must be NULL or an object"); 11 if (UseBiasedLocking) {//标识虚拟机是否开启偏向锁功能,默认开启 12 // Retry fast entry if bias is revoked to avoid unnecessary inflation 13 ObjectSynchronizer::fast_enter(h_obj, elem->lock(), true, CHECK); 14 } else { 15 ObjectSynchronizer::slow_enter(h_obj, elem->lock(), CHECK); 16  } 17 assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved_or_null(elem->obj()), 18 "must be NULL or an object"); 19 #ifdef ASSERT 20 thread->last_frame().interpreter_frame_verify_monitor(elem); 21 #endif 22 IRT_END



1、JavaThread thread指向java中的当前线程;

 1 class BasicObjectLock VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {  2 friend class VMStructs;  3 private:  4 BasicLock _lock; // the lock, must be double word aligned  5 oop  _obj; // object holds the lock;  6  7 public:  8 // Manipulation  9 oop obj() const { return _obj; } 10 void set_obj(oop obj) { _obj = obj; } 11 BasicLock* lock() { return &_lock; } 12 13 // Note: Use frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_size() for the size of BasicObjectLocks 14 // in interpreter activation frames since it includes machine-specific padding. 15 static int size() { return sizeof(BasicObjectLock)/wordSize; } 16 17 // GC support 18 void oops_do(OopClosure* f) { f->do_oop(&_obj); } 19 20 static int obj_offset_in_bytes() { return offset_of(BasicObjectLock, _obj); } 21 static int lock_offset_in_bytes() { return offset_of(BasicObjectLock, _lock); } 22 };


 1 class BasicLock VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {  2 friend class VMStructs;  3 private:  4 volatile markOop _displaced_header;//markOop是不是很熟悉?1.2节中讲解对象头时就是分析的markOop源码  5 public:  6 markOop displaced_header() const { return _displaced_header; }  7 void set_displaced_header(markOop header) { _displaced_header = header; }  8  9 void print_on(outputStream* st) const; 10 11 // move a basic lock (used during deoptimization 12 void move_to(oop obj, BasicLock* dest); 13 14 static int displaced_header_offset_in_bytes() { return offset_of(BasicLock, _displaced_header); } 15 };



 1 void ObjectSynchronizer::fast_enter(Handle obj, BasicLock* lock, bool attempt_rebias, TRAPS) {  2 if (UseBiasedLocking) {  3 if (!SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) {  4 BiasedLocking::Condition cond = BiasedLocking::revoke_and_rebias(obj, attempt_rebias, THREAD);  5 if (cond == BiasedLocking::BIAS_REVOKED_AND_REBIASED) {  6 return;  7  }  8 } else {  9 assert(!attempt_rebias, "can not rebias toward VM thread"); 10  BiasedLocking::revoke_at_safepoint(obj); 11  } 12 assert(!obj->mark()->has_bias_pattern(), "biases should be revoked by now"); 13  } 14 //轻量级锁 15 slow_enter (obj, lock, THREAD) ; 16 }

1、通过markOop mark = obj->mark()获取对象的markOop数据mark,即对象头的Mark Word;
2、判断mark是否为可偏向状态,即mark的偏向锁标志位为 1,锁标志位为 01




 1 void BiasedLocking::revoke_at_safepoint(Handle h_obj) {  2 assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must only be called while at safepoint");//校验全局安全点  3 oop obj = h_obj();  4 HeuristicsResult heuristics = update_heuristics(obj, false);  5 if (heuristics == HR_SINGLE_REVOKE) {  6 revoke_bias(obj, false, false, NULL);  7 } else if ((heuristics == HR_BULK_REBIAS) ||  8 (heuristics == HR_BULK_REVOKE)) {  9 bulk_revoke_or_rebias_at_safepoint(obj, (heuristics == HR_BULK_REBIAS), false, NULL); 10  } 11  clean_up_cached_monitor_info(); 12 }

3、撤销偏向锁,恢复到无锁(标志位为 01)或轻量级锁(标志位为 00)的状态;

偏向锁在Java 1.6之后是默认启用的,但在应用程序启动几秒钟之后才激活,可以使用-XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelay=0参数关闭延迟,如果确定应用程序中所有锁通常情况下处于竞争状态,可以通过XX:-UseBiasedLocking=false参数关闭偏向锁。




 1 void ObjectSynchronizer::slow_enter(Handle obj, BasicLock* lock, TRAPS) {  2 markOop mark = obj->mark();  3 assert(!mark->has_bias_pattern(), "should not see bias pattern here");  4  5 if (mark->is_neutral()) {//是否为无锁状态001  6 // Anticipate successful CAS -- the ST of the displaced mark must  7 // be visible <= the ST performed by the CAS.  8 lock->set_displaced_header(mark);  9 if (mark == (markOop) Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr(lock, obj()->mark_addr(), mark)) {//CAS成功,释放栈锁 10  TEVENT (slow_enter: release stacklock) ; 11 return ; 12  } 13 // Fall through to inflate() ... 14 } else 15 if (mark->has_locker() && THREAD->is_lock_owned((address)mark->locker())) { 16 assert(lock != mark->locker(), "must not re-lock the same lock"); 17 assert(lock != (BasicLock*)obj->mark(), "don't relock with same BasicLock"); 18 lock->set_displaced_header(NULL); 19 return; 20  } 21 22 #if 0 23 // The following optimization isn't particularly useful. 24 if (mark->has_monitor() && mark->monitor()->is_entered(THREAD)) { 25 lock->set_displaced_header (NULL) ; 26 return ; 27  } 28 #endif 29 30 // The object header will never be displaced to this lock, 31 // so it does not matter what the value is, except that it 32 // must be non-zero to avoid looking like a re-entrant lock, 33 // and must not look locked either. 34 lock->set_displaced_header(markOopDesc::unused_mark()); 35 ObjectSynchronizer::inflate(THREAD, obj())->enter(THREAD); 36 }

1、markOop mark = obj->mark()方法获取对象的markOop数据mark;
2、mark->is_neutral()方法判断mark是否为无锁状态:mark的偏向锁标志位为 0,锁标志位为 01
5、通过CAS尝试将Mark Word更新为指向BasicLock对象的指针,如果更新成功,表示竞争到锁,则执行同步代码,否则执行步骤(6);

假设线程A和B同时执行到临界区if (mark->is_neutral())
1、线程AB都把Mark Word复制到各自的_displaced_header字段,该数据保存在线程的栈帧上,是线程私有的;
2、Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr原子操作保证只有一个线程可以把指向栈帧的指针复制到Mark Word,假设此时线程A执行成功,并返回继续执行同步代码块;





 1 void ObjectSynchronizer::fast_exit(oop object, BasicLock* lock, TRAPS) {  2 assert(!object->mark()->has_bias_pattern(), "should not see bias pattern here");  3 // if displaced header is null, the previous enter is recursive enter, no-op  4 markOop dhw = lock->displaced_header();  5  markOop mark ;  6 if (dhw == NULL) {  7 // Recursive stack-lock.  8 // Diagnostics -- Could be: stack-locked, inflating, inflated.  9 mark = object->mark() ; 10 assert (!mark->is_neutral(), "invariant") ; 11 if (mark->has_locker() && mark != markOopDesc::INFLATING()) { 12 assert(THREAD->is_lock_owned((address)mark->locker()), "invariant") ; 13  } 14 if (mark->has_monitor()) { 15 ObjectMonitor * m = mark->monitor() ; 16 assert(((oop)(m->object()))->mark() == mark, "invariant") ; 17 assert(m->is_entered(THREAD), "invariant") ; 18  } 19 return ; 20  } 21 22 mark = object->mark() ; 23 24 // If the object is stack-locked by the current thread, try to 25 // swing the displaced header from the box back to the mark. 26 if (mark == (markOop) lock) { 27 assert (dhw->is_neutral(), "invariant") ; 28 if ((markOop) Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (dhw, object->mark_addr(), mark) == mark) {//成功的释放了锁 29  TEVENT (fast_exit: release stacklock) ; 30 return; 31  } 32  } 33 34 ObjectSynchronizer::inflate(THREAD, object)->exit (true, THREAD) ;//锁膨胀升级 35 }

3、通过CAS尝试把dhw替换到当前的Mark Word,如果CAS成功,说明成功的释放了锁,否则执行步骤(4);


重量级锁通过对象内部的监视器(monitor)实现,其中monitor的本质是依赖于底层操作系统的Mutex Lock实现,操作系统实现线程之间的切换需要从用户态到内核态的切换,切换成本非常高。



 1 ObjectMonitor * ATTR ObjectSynchronizer::inflate (Thread * Self, oop object) {  2 // Inflate mutates the heap ...  3 // Relaxing assertion for bug 6320749.  4 assert (Universe::verify_in_progress() ||  5 !SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "invariant") ;  6  7 for (;;) {//自旋  8 const markOop mark = object->mark() ;  9 assert (!mark->has_bias_pattern(), "invariant") ;  10  11 // The mark can be in one of the following states:  12 // * Inflated - just return  13 // * Stack-locked - coerce it to inflated  14 // * INFLATING - busy wait for conversion to complete  15 // * Neutral - aggressively inflate the object.  16 // * BIASED - Illegal. We should never see this  17  18 // CASE: inflated已膨胀,即重量级锁  19 if (mark->has_monitor()) {//判断当前是否为重量级锁  20 ObjectMonitor * inf = mark->monitor() ;//获取指向ObjectMonitor的指针  21 assert (inf->header()->is_neutral(), "invariant");  22 assert (inf->object() == object, "invariant") ;  23 assert (ObjectSynchronizer::verify_objmon_isinpool(inf), "monitor is invalid");  24 return inf ;  25  }  26  27 // CASE: inflation in progress - inflating over a stack-lock.膨胀等待(其他线程正在从轻量级锁转为膨胀锁)  28 // Some other thread is converting from stack-locked to inflated.  29 // Only that thread can complete inflation -- other threads must wait.  30 // The INFLATING value is transient.  31 // Currently, we spin/yield/park and poll the markword, waiting for inflation to finish.  32 // We could always eliminate polling by parking the thread on some auxiliary list.  33 if (mark == markOopDesc::INFLATING()) {  34 TEVENT (Inflate: spin while INFLATING) ;  35 ReadStableMark(object) ;  36 continue ;  37  }  38  39 // CASE: stack-locked栈锁(轻量级锁)  40 // Could be stack-locked either by this thread or by some other thread.  41 //  42 // Note that we allocate the objectmonitor speculatively, _before_ attempting  43 // to install INFLATING into the mark word. We originally installed INFLATING,  44 // allocated the objectmonitor, and then finally STed the address of the  45 // objectmonitor into the mark. This was correct, but artificially lengthened  46 // the interval in which INFLATED appeared in the mark, thus increasing  47 // the odds of inflation contention.  48 //  49 // We now use per-thread private objectmonitor free lists.  50 // These list are reprovisioned from the global free list outside the  51 // critical INFLATING...ST interval. A thread can transfer  52 // multiple objectmonitors en-mass from the global free list to its local free list.  53 // This reduces coherency traffic and lock contention on the global free list.  54 // Using such local free lists, it doesn't matter if the omAlloc() call appears  55 // before or after the CAS(INFLATING) operation.  56 // See the comments in omAlloc().  57  58 if (mark->has_locker()) {  59 ObjectMonitor * m = omAlloc (Self) ;//获取一个可用的ObjectMonitor   60 // Optimistically prepare the objectmonitor - anticipate successful CAS  61 // We do this before the CAS in order to minimize the length of time  62 // in which INFLATING appears in the mark.  63 m->Recycle();  64 m->_Responsible = NULL ;  65 m->OwnerIsThread = 0 ;  66 m->_recursions = 0 ;  67 m->_SpinDuration = ObjectMonitor::Knob_SpinLimit ; // Consider: maintain by type/class  68  69 markOop cmp = (markOop) Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (markOopDesc::INFLATING(), object->mark_addr(), mark) ;  70 if (cmp != mark) {//CAS失败//CAS失败,说明冲突了,自旋等待//CAS失败,说明冲突了,自旋等待//CAS失败,说明冲突了,自旋等待  71 omRelease (Self, m, true) ;//释放监视器锁  72 continue ; // Interference -- just retry  73  }  74  75 // We've successfully installed INFLATING (0) into the mark-word.  76 // This is the only case where 0 will appear in a mark-work.  77 // Only the singular thread that successfully swings the mark-word  78 // to 0 can perform (or more precisely, complete) inflation.  79 //  80 // Why do we CAS a 0 into the mark-word instead of just CASing the  81 // mark-word from the stack-locked value directly to the new inflated state?  82 // Consider what happens when a thread unlocks a stack-locked object.  83 // It attempts to use CAS to swing the displaced header value from the  84 // on-stack basiclock back into the object header. Recall also that the  85 // header value (hashcode, etc) can reside in (a) the object header, or  86 // (b) a displaced header associated with the stack-lock, or (c) a displaced  87 // header in an objectMonitor. The inflate() routine must copy the header  88 // value from the basiclock on the owner's stack to the objectMonitor, all  89 // the while preserving the hashCode stability invariants. If the owner  90 // decides to release the lock while the value is 0, the unlock will fail  91 // and control will eventually pass from slow_exit() to inflate. The owner  92 // will then spin, waiting for the 0 value to disappear. Put another way,  93 // the 0 causes the owner to stall if the owner happens to try to  94 // drop the lock (restoring the header from the basiclock to the object)  95 // while inflation is in-progress. This protocol avoids races that might  96 // would otherwise permit hashCode values to change or "flicker" for an object.  97 // Critically, while object->mark is 0 mark->displaced_mark_helper() is stable.  98 // 0 serves as a "BUSY" inflate-in-progress indicator.  99 100 101 // fetch the displaced mark from the owner's stack. 102 // The owner can't die or unwind past the lock while our INFLATING 103 // object is in the mark. Furthermore the owner can't complete 104 // an unlock on the object, either. 105 markOop dmw = mark->displaced_mark_helper() ; 106 assert (dmw->is_neutral(), "invariant") ; 107 //CAS成功,设置ObjectMonitor的_header、_owner和_object等 108 // Setup monitor fields to proper values -- prepare the monitor 109 m->set_header(dmw) ; 110 111 // Optimization: if the mark->locker stack address is associated 112 // with this thread we could simply set m->_owner = Self and 113 // m->OwnerIsThread = 1. Note that a thread can inflate an object 114 // that it has stack-locked -- as might happen in wait() -- directly 115 // with CAS. That is, we can avoid the xchg-NULL .... ST idiom. 116 m->set_owner(mark->locker()); 117 m->set_object(object); 118 // TODO-FIXME: assert BasicLock->dhw != 0. 119 120 // Must preserve store ordering. The monitor state must 121 // be stable at the time of publishing the monitor address. 122 guarantee (object->mark() == markOopDesc::INFLATING(), "invariant") ; 123 object->release_set_mark(markOopDesc::encode(m)); 124 125 // Hopefully the performance counters are allocated on distinct cache lines 126 // to avoid false sharing on MP systems ... 127 if (ObjectMonitor::_sync_Inflations != NULL) ObjectMonitor::_sync_Inflations->inc() ; 128  TEVENT(Inflate: overwrite stacklock) ; 129 if (TraceMonitorInflation) { 130 if (object->is_instance()) { 131  ResourceMark rm; 132 tty->print_cr("Inflating object " INTPTR_FORMAT " , mark " INTPTR_FORMAT " , type %s", 133 (void *) object, (intptr_t) object->mark(), 134 object->klass()->external_name()); 135  } 136  } 137 return m ; 138  } 139 140 // CASE: neutral 无锁 141 // TODO-FIXME: for entry we currently inflate and then try to CAS _owner. 142 // If we know we're inflating for entry it's better to inflate by swinging a 143 // pre-locked objectMonitor pointer into the object header. A successful 144 // CAS inflates the object *and* confers ownership to the inflating thread. 145 // In the current implementation we use a 2-step mechanism where we CAS() 146 // to inflate and then CAS() again to try to swing _owner from NULL to Self. 147 // An inflateTry() method that we could call from fast_enter() and slow_enter() 148 // would be useful. 149 150 assert (mark->is_neutral(), "invariant"); 151 ObjectMonitor * m = omAlloc (Self) ; 152 // prepare m for installation - set monitor to initial state 153 m->Recycle(); 154 m->set_header(mark); 155 m->set_owner(NULL); 156 m->set_object(object); 157 m->OwnerIsThread = 1 ; 158 m->_recursions = 0 ; 159 m->_Responsible = NULL ; 160 m->_SpinDuration = ObjectMonitor::Knob_SpinLimit ; // consider: keep metastats by type/class 161 162 if (Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (markOopDesc::encode(m), object->mark_addr(), mark) != mark) { 163 m->set_object (NULL) ; 164 m->set_owner (NULL) ; 165 m->OwnerIsThread = 0 ; 166 m->Recycle() ; 167 omRelease (Self, m, true) ; 168 m = NULL ; 169 continue ; 170 // interference - the markword changed - just retry. 171 // The state-transitions are one-way, so there's no chance of 172 // live-lock -- "Inflated" is an absorbing state. 173  } 174 175 // Hopefully the performance counters are allocated on distinct 176 // cache lines to avoid false sharing on MP systems ... 177 if (ObjectMonitor::_sync_Inflations != NULL) ObjectMonitor::_sync_Inflations->inc() ; 178  TEVENT(Inflate: overwrite neutral) ; 179 if (TraceMonitorInflation) { 180 if (object->is_instance()) { 181  ResourceMark rm; 182 tty->print_cr("Inflating object " INTPTR_FORMAT " , mark " INTPTR_FORMAT " , type %s", 183 (void *) object, (intptr_t) object->mark(), 184 object->klass()->external_name()); 185  } 186  } 187 return m ; 188  } 189 }

2、mark->has_monitor()方法判断当前是否为重量级锁(上图18-25行),即Mark Word的锁标识位为 10,如果当前状态为重量级锁,执行步骤(3),否则执行步骤(4);
5、如果当前是轻量级锁状态(上图58-138行),即锁标识位为 00,膨胀过程如下:

  1. 通过omAlloc方法,获取一个可用的ObjectMonitor monitor,并重置monitor数据;
  2. 通过CAS尝试将Mark Word设置为markOopDesc:INFLATING,标识当前锁正在膨胀中,如果CAS失败,说明同一时刻其它线程已经将Mark Word设置为markOopDesc:INFLATING,当前线程进行自旋等待膨胀完成;
  3. 如果CAS成功,设置monitor的各个字段:_header、_owner和_object等,并返回;







 1 void ATTR ObjectMonitor::enter(TRAPS) {  2 // The following code is ordered to check the most common cases first  3 // and to reduce RTS->RTO cache line upgrades on SPARC and IA32 processors.  4 Thread * const Self = THREAD ;  5 void * cur ;  6  7 cur = Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (Self, &_owner, NULL) ;  8 if (cur == NULL) {//CAS成功  9 // Either ASSERT _recursions == 0 or explicitly set _recursions = 0.  10 assert (_recursions == 0 , "invariant") ;  11 assert (_owner == Self, "invariant") ;  12 // CONSIDER: set or assert OwnerIsThread == 1  13 return ;  14  }  15  16 if (cur == Self) {//重入锁  17 // TODO-FIXME: check for integer overflow! BUGID 6557169.  18 _recursions ++ ;  19 return ;  20  }  21  22 if (Self->is_lock_owned ((address)cur)) {  23 assert (_recursions == 0, "internal state error");  24 _recursions = 1 ;  25 // Commute owner from a thread-specific on-stack BasicLockObject address to  26 // a full-fledged "Thread *".  27 _owner = Self ;  28 OwnerIsThread = 1 ;  29 return ;  30  }  31  32 // We've encountered genuine contention.  33 assert (Self->_Stalled == 0, "invariant") ;  34 Self->_Stalled = intptr_t(this) ;  35  36 // Try one round of spinning *before* enqueueing Self  37 // and before going through the awkward and expensive state  38 // transitions. The following spin is strictly optional ...  39 // Note that if we acquire the monitor from an initial spin  40 // we forgo posting JVMTI events and firing DTRACE probes.  41 if (Knob_SpinEarly && TrySpin (Self) > 0) {  42 assert (_owner == Self , "invariant") ;  43 assert (_recursions == 0 , "invariant") ;  44 assert (((oop)(object()))->mark() == markOopDesc::encode(this), "invariant") ;  45 Self->_Stalled = 0 ;  46 return ;  47  }  48  49 assert (_owner != Self , "invariant") ;  50 assert (_succ != Self , "invariant") ;  51 assert (Self->is_Java_thread() , "invariant") ;  52 JavaThread * jt = (JavaThread *) Self ;  53 assert (!SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "invariant") ;  54 assert (jt->thread_state() != _thread_blocked , "invariant") ;  55 assert (this->object() != NULL , "invariant") ;  56 assert (_count >= 0, "invariant") ;  57  58 // Prevent deflation at STW-time. See deflate_idle_monitors() and is_busy().  59 // Ensure the object-monitor relationship remains stable while there's contention.  60 Atomic::inc_ptr(&_count);  61  62 EventJavaMonitorEnter event;  63  64 { // Change java thread status to indicate blocked on monitor enter.  65 JavaThreadBlockedOnMonitorEnterState jtbmes(jt, this);  66  67 DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE(contended__enter, this, object(), jt);  68 if (JvmtiExport::should_post_monitor_contended_enter()) {  69 JvmtiExport::post_monitor_contended_enter(jt, this);  70  }  71  72 OSThreadContendState osts(Self->osthread());  73  ThreadBlockInVM tbivm(jt);  74  75 Self->set_current_pending_monitor(this);  76  77 // TODO-FIXME: change the following for(;;) loop to straight-line code.  78 for (;;) {  79 jt->set_suspend_equivalent();  80 // cleared by handle_special_suspend_equivalent_condition()  81 // or java_suspend_self()  82  83  EnterI (THREAD) ;  84 ...省略...139 }

2、如果设置之前的_owner指向当前线程,说明当前线程再次进入monitor,即重入锁,执行_recursions ++ ,记录重入的次数;



 1 ObjectWaiter node(Self) ;  2 Self->_ParkEvent->reset() ;  3 node._prev = (ObjectWaiter *) 0xBAD ;  4 node.TState = ObjectWaiter::TS_CXQ ;  5  6 // Push "Self" onto the front of the _cxq.  7 // Once on cxq/EntryList, Self stays on-queue until it acquires the lock.  8 // Note that spinning tends to reduce the rate at which threads  9 // enqueue and dequeue on EntryList|cxq. 10 ObjectWaiter * nxt ; 11 for (;;) { 12 node._next = nxt = _cxq ; 13 if (Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (&node, &_cxq, nxt) == nxt) break ; 14 15 // Interference - the CAS failed because _cxq changed. Just retry. 16 // As an optional optimization we retry the lock. 17 if (TryLock (Self) > 0) { 18 assert (_succ != Self , "invariant") ; 19 assert (_owner == Self , "invariant") ; 20 assert (_Responsible != Self , "invariant") ; 21 return ; 22  } 23 }


 1 for (;;) {  2  3 if (TryLock (Self) > 0) break ;  4 assert (_owner != Self, "invariant") ;  5  6 if ((SyncFlags & 2) && _Responsible == NULL) {  7 Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (Self, &_Responsible, NULL) ;  8  }  9 10 // park self 11 if (_Responsible == Self || (SyncFlags & 1)) { 12 TEVENT (Inflated enter - park TIMED) ; 13 Self->_ParkEvent->park ((jlong) RecheckInterval) ; 14 // Increase the RecheckInterval, but clamp the value. 15 RecheckInterval *= 8 ; 16 if (RecheckInterval > 1000) RecheckInterval = 1000 ; 17 } else { 18 TEVENT (Inflated enter - park UNTIMED) ; 19  Self->_ParkEvent->park() ;//当前线程挂起 20  } 21 22 if (TryLock(Self) > 0) break ; 23 24 // The lock is still contested. 25 // Keep a tally of the # of futile wakeups. 26 // Note that the counter is not protected by a lock or updated by atomics. 27 // That is by design - we trade "lossy" counters which are exposed to 28 // races during updates for a lower probe effect. 29 TEVENT (Inflated enter - Futile wakeup) ; 30 if (ObjectMonitor::_sync_FutileWakeups != NULL) { 31 ObjectMonitor::_sync_FutileWakeups->inc() ; 32  } 33 ++ nWakeups ; 34 35 // Assuming this is not a spurious wakeup we'll normally find _succ == Self. 36 // We can defer clearing _succ until after the spin completes 37 // TrySpin() must tolerate being called with _succ == Self. 38 // Try yet another round of adaptive spinning. 39 if ((Knob_SpinAfterFutile & 1) && TrySpin (Self) > 0) break ; 40 41 // We can find that we were unpark()ed and redesignated _succ while 42 // we were spinning. That's harmless. If we iterate and call park(), 43 // park() will consume the event and return immediately and we'll 44 // just spin again. This pattern can repeat, leaving _succ to simply 45 // spin on a CPU. Enable Knob_ResetEvent to clear pending unparks(). 46 // Alternately, we can sample fired() here, and if set, forgo spinning 47 // in the next iteration. 48 49 if ((Knob_ResetEvent & 1) && Self->_ParkEvent->fired()) { 50 Self->_ParkEvent->reset() ; 51  OrderAccess::fence() ; 52  } 53 if (_succ == Self) _succ = NULL ; 54 55 // Invariant: after clearing _succ a thread *must* retry _owner before parking. 56  OrderAccess::fence() ; 57 }


 1 int ObjectMonitor::TryLock (Thread * Self) {  2 for (;;) {  3 void * own = _owner ;  4 if (own != NULL) return 0 ;  5 if (Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (Self, &_owner, NULL) == NULL) {//CAS成功,获取锁  6 // Either guarantee _recursions == 0 or set _recursions = 0.  7 assert (_recursions == 0, "invariant") ;  8 assert (_owner == Self, "invariant") ;  9 // CONSIDER: set or assert that OwnerIsThread == 1 10 return 1 ; 11  } 12 // The lock had been free momentarily, but we lost the race to the lock. 13 // Interference -- the CAS failed. 14 // We can either return -1 or retry. 15 // Retry doesn't make as much sense because the lock was just acquired. 16 if (true) return -1 ; 17  } 18 }




 1 void ATTR ObjectMonitor::exit(bool not_suspended, TRAPS) {  2 Thread * Self = THREAD ;  3 if (THREAD != _owner) {  4 if (THREAD->is_lock_owned((address) _owner)) {  5 // Transmute _owner from a BasicLock pointer to a Thread address.  6 // We don't need to hold _mutex for this transition.  7 // Non-null to Non-null is safe as long as all readers can  8 // tolerate either flavor.  9 assert (_recursions == 0, "invariant") ; 10 _owner = THREAD ; 11 _recursions = 0 ; 12 OwnerIsThread = 1 ; 13 } else { 14 // NOTE: we need to handle unbalanced monitor enter/exit 15 // in native code by throwing an exception. 16 // TODO: Throw an IllegalMonitorStateException ? 17 TEVENT (Exit - Throw IMSX) ; 18 assert(false, "Non-balanced monitor enter/exit!"); 19 if (false) { 20  THROW(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalMonitorStateException()); 21  } 22 return; 23  } 24  } 25 26 if (_recursions != 0) { 27 _recursions--; // this is simple recursive enter 28 TEVENT (Inflated exit - recursive) ; 29 return ; 30 }

1、如果是重量级锁的释放,monitor中的_owner指向当前线程,即THREAD == _owner;

 1 void ObjectMonitor::ExitEpilog (Thread * Self, ObjectWaiter * Wakee) {  2 assert (_owner == Self, "invariant") ;  3  4 // Exit protocol:  5 // 1. ST _succ = wakee  6 // 2. membar #loadstore|#storestore;  7 // 2. ST _owner = NULL  8 // 3. unpark(wakee)  9 10 _succ = Knob_SuccEnabled ? Wakee->_thread : NULL ; 11 ParkEvent * Trigger = Wakee->_event ; 12 13 // Hygiene -- once we've set _owner = NULL we can't safely dereference Wakee again. 14 // The thread associated with Wakee may have grabbed the lock and "Wakee" may be 15 // out-of-scope (non-extant). 16 Wakee = NULL ; 17 18 // Drop the lock 19 OrderAccess::release_store_ptr (&_owner, NULL) ; 20 OrderAccess::fence() ; // ST _owner vs LD in unpark() 21 22 if (SafepointSynchronize::do_call_back()) { 23  TEVENT (unpark before SAFEPOINT) ; 24  } 25 26 DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE(contended__exit, this, object(), Self); 27 Trigger->unpark() ; 28 29 // Maintain stats and report events to JVMTI 30 if (ObjectMonitor::_sync_Parks != NULL) { 31 ObjectMonitor::_sync_Parks->inc() ; 32  } 33 }














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