















 import java.util.HashMap; /* * This class represents the system */ class OnlineReaderSystem { private Library library; private UserManager userManager; private Display display; private book activeBook; private User activeUser; public OnlineReaderSystem() { userManager = new UserManager(); library = new Library(); display = new Display(); } public Library getLibrary() { return library; } public UserManager getUserManager() { return userManager; } public Display getDisplay() { return display; } public Book getActiveBook() { return activeBook; } public void setActiveBook(Book book) { activeBook = book; display.displayBook(book); } public User getActiveUser() { return activeUser; } public void setActiveUser(User user) { activeUser = user; display.displayUser(user); } } /* * We then implement separate classes to handle the user * manager, the library, and the display components */ /* * This class represents the Library which is responsible * for storing and searching the books. */ class Library { private HashMap<Integer, Book> books; public Library() { books = new HashMap<Integer, Book>(); } public Boolean addBook(int id, String details, String title) { if (books.containsKey(id)) { return false; } Book book = new Book(id, details, title); books.put(id, book); return true; } public Boolean addBook(Book book) { if (books.containsKey(book.getId())) { return false; } books.put(book.getId(), book); return true; } public boolean remove(Book b) { return remove(b.getId()); } public boolean remove(int id) { if (!books.containsKey(id)) { return false; } books.remove(id); return true; } public Book find(int id) { return books.get(id); } } /* * This class represents the UserManager which is responsible * for managing the users, their membership etc. */ class UserManager { private HashMap<Integer, User> users; public UserManager() { users = new HashMap<Integer, User>(); } public Boolean addUser(int id, String details, String name) { if (users.containsKey(id)) { return false; } User user = new User(id, details, name); users.put(id, user); return true; } public Boolean addUser(User user) { if (users.containsKey(user.getId())) { return false; } users.put(user.getId(), user); return true; } public boolean remove(User u) { return remove(u.getId()); } public boolean remove(int id) { if (users.containsKey(id)) { return false; } users.remove(id); return true; } public User find(int id) { return users.get(id); } } /* * This class represents the Display, which is responsible * for displaying the book, it's pages and contents. It also * shows the current user. * It provides the method * turnPageForward, turnPageBackward, refreshPage etc. */ class Display { private Book activeBook; private User activeUser; private int pageNumber = 0; public void displayUser(User user) { activeUser = user; refreshUsername(); } public void displayBook(Book book) { pageNumber = 0; activeBook = book; refreshTitle(); refreshDetails(); refreshPage(); } public void turnPageForward() { pageNumber++; System.out.println("Turning forward to page no " + pageNumber + " of book having title " + activeBook.getTitle()); refreshPage(); } public void turnPageBackward() { pageNumber--; System.out.println("Turning backward to page no " + pageNumber + " of book having title " + activeBook.getTitle()); refreshPage(); } public void refreshUsername() { /* updates username display */ System.out.println("User name " + activeUser.getName() + " is refreshed"); } public void refreshTitle() { /* updates title display */ System.out.println("Title of the book " + activeBook.getTitle() + " refreshed"); } public void refreshDetails() { /* updates details display */ System.out.println("Details of the book " + activeBook.getTitle() + " refreshed"); } public void refreshPage() { /* updated page display */ System.out.println("Page no " + pageNumber + " refreshed"); } } /* * The classes for User and Book simply hold data and * provide little functionality. * This class represents the Book which is a simple POJO */ class Book { private int bookId; private String details; private String title; public Book(int id, String details, String title) { bookId = id; this.details = details; this.title = title; } public int getId() { return bookId; } public void setId(int id) { bookId = id; } public String getDetails() { return details; } public void setDetails(String details) { this.details = details; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } } /* * This class represents the User which is a simple POJO */ class User { private int userId; private String name; private String details; public void renewMembership() { } public User(int id, String details, String name) { this.userId = id; this.details = details; this.name = name; } public int getId() { return userId; } public void setId(int id) { userId = id; } public String getDetails() { return details; } public void setDetails(String details) { this.details = details; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } } // This class is used to test the Application public class AppTest { public static void main(String[] args) { OnlineReaderSystem onlineReaderSystem = new OnlineReaderSystem(); Book dsBook = new Book(1, "It contains Data Structures", "Ds"); Book algoBook = new Book(2, "It contains Algorithms", "Algo"); onlineReaderSystem.getLibrary().addBook(dsBook); onlineReaderSystem.getLibrary().addBook(algoBook); User user1 = new User(1, " ", "Ram"); User user2 = new User(2, " ", "Gopal"); onlineReaderSystem.getUserManager().addUser(user1); onlineReaderSystem.getUserManager().addUser(user2); onlineReaderSystem.setActiveBook(algoBook); onlineReaderSystem.setActiveUser(user1); onlineReaderSystem.getDisplay().turnPageForward(); onlineReaderSystem.getDisplay().turnPageForward(); onlineReaderSystem.getDisplay().turnPageBackward(); } }







多重性意味着一个类的元素数量与另一个类相关联。这些关系可以是一对一、多对多、多对一或一对多。用来表示我们使用的一个元素1,表示我们使用的零元素0,以及我们使用的许多元素*. 我们可以从图表中看到;许多用户与表示的许多书相关联*这表示多对多类型的关系。一个用户只有一个用1表示的帐户,这表示a一对一的类型的关系。


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